To Be Selected
Preap Savdy is 18 years old, as student at 8th grade at The Svay Chek Secondary School, which is located in Anlong Spean village, Svay Chek Commune, Romdoul District, Svay Rieng province.
Savdy has 3 siblings and she is the third child in the family. Her father‘s name is Mr. Preap Pheak and her mother name is Thoung Phearun, both of them are farmers. The family owned one hectare of farmland where they can earn up to $300 a year from rice product. As this is not enough income to support the family’s needs, Savdy’s father has to find other labor job such as climb the three to cut off the heavy tree branches for villager whose their house are under the big tree, he can earn about $4 – $5 by a working day. Even with this additional income, the family still cannot have enough money to support the family, especially for supporting children’s school. As a result, Savdy has to help her parents a lot of thing at home before and after school. The housework took almost her school times, she always come school late.
In the future, Savdy’s wants to be a doctor. She wants to cure all the people in her location; she thinks that in her location is far from hospital.
Date Posted: November 2018