To Be Selected
Proem Srey Meas is 13 years old and she is a student in 7th grade at Chey Yo Secondary School in O`paek village, Chey Yo Commune, Chamkaleu District, KampongCham Province
She lives with grandmother in TroPang Roe Sey village, Chey Yo commune, Chamkaleu district, Kampong Cham province. There are four members in her family such as father, mother, two sisters, no brother and Proem Srey Meas is second child in her family but her parents broken when she studied 6th grade and her father has new family and her mother stays in Phnom Penh, she works in Cloth Company and now, Proem Srey Meas, she lives with grandparents. Her family doesn’t have farmland to do. Her mother is support studying not enoughwhole family in per year. However, that factor happen to afford to buy school supplies for Proem Srey Meas’s study and sometime her grandmother wants her stop studying because her grandmother doesn’t have money to support her study and daily consumption in a whole year. Proem Srey Meas go to school by old bicycle every Monday to Saturday. After school, she always did housework and help grandma cook rice.
Proem Srey Meas wanted to be a teacher of Math when she grows up. Moreover, she wanted to teach all the students in the rural villages to in order to get them high educated to become center-row of the nation and also progress the nation towards perfect human resource. Furthermore, in the future, she wanted to earn money to support her family to meet with appropriate living condition.