To Be Selected
Prum Marineth is 13 years old, in the 5th at The Shintoshin Rotary and Speros (Hawaii) School in Pal Hal Village, Rik Reay Commune, Rovieng District, Preah Vihear Province.
There are five members in the family, two parents, two daughters and a son. She is the second daughter in the family. Her family earns a living by doing farm work on their plot of land that is 500 m2 . This land is too small to grow a substantial amount of rice, leaving the family in very poor conditions. Her father is also a construction worker, earning 15,000 Riel per day, but it is not regular work. Her older sister dropped out of school to work in Phnom Penh, earning 300,000 Riel per month. In addition to farm work, her mother is a worker: clearing up grass and doing other farm work that neighbors hire her to do. Sometimes Marineth helps her mother to do house work and looks after her brother when her mother is away.
In the future she wants to be a teacher because she loves teaching the kids and she can earn money to support her family.
Updated: March, 2018