To Be Selected
Pun Pheak is 16 years old, student in 8th grade at The Naohiro Nishiya School in Opork Samky Village, Meanrith Commune, Sandan District, Kampong Thom Province.
Pun Pheak was born in a poor family and there are 7 members in her family, Parents, 4 brothers and including her. She is a first child in her family. Her parents are farmers, they transplant rice yearly and her parents have their own small land to make the paddy rice but there isn’t enough to solve their needs because the income that they could collect from transplanting paddy rice is only $295 per year.
Moreover, besides doing paddy, her father has taken time to ply as a palm tree’s climber in order to collect the palm juice to make sugar palm to sell. And one kilogram of sugar palm is $1.25. In the difficult situation like this she thought by herself and she took almost every Sunday to work at the farm and get $3.00 to assist their parents’ needs.
In the future, She wants to be a businesswoman to earn a lot of money for support her family and she can improve her business to be growing up and have the money to build her own house.
Updated: April, 2018