To Be Selected
Sokly is 15 years old, student in 8th grade at the Dahlia Sam School in Roung Mashin village, Tasal commune, O’ral district, Kampong Speu province.
Sokly has four brothers. She is the first daughter in the family. Her father is a widower man who is working very hard to feed his children after his wife died in 2017. Her father is a farmer own 7,000 m2 of farmland for agriculture. Her father can gather 15 to 20 sacks of rice production during a season. After agriculture work, her father is a construction worker to build house in near village, from this extra work he can earn around 15,000 to 20,000 riels per working day to support his family.
In her free time, Sokly loves to read books, does homework, housework, takes care her siblings, feeding some pigs and chicken. For school day, she can get 500 to 1,000 riels.
In the future, Sokly wants to be a teacher because she loves teaching young children and wants to sharing knowledge to next generation. She thinks that her careers is honor for her and can earn money to support family.
November 2018