To Be Selected
Reom Thona is 12 years old, and in 6th grade at The Shintoshin Rotary and Speros (Hawaii) School #2, which is located in Pal Hal village, Rik Reay commune, Rovieng district, and Preah Vihear province.
There are 7 members in her family, her grandmother, uncle, parents and two older brothers. She is the third child in the family. Her parents are farmers who own three hectares of rice field, which can produce 4,000 kg of rice per year and they receive a profit of about $250 a month to buy foods. To further meet the needs of the family, her parents decided to earn a little money working at the neighbor’s farm collecting cashew nuts, cassava, transplanting rice, and harvesting rice. They can receive an income of 30,000 Riel per day, but it is not regular work. They said that, they spend a lot of money supporting their three children to buy uniforms, stationary and to study part time at school. They hope their three children will be educated and get good jobs in the future.
Thona is a good student and good daughter, she studies hard in school and at home. She always gets good results at school. After school she always helps her mother with housework and various chores. On Sunday, she and two brothers who always go to their farm to help their parents with farm work.
In the future she wants to be a doctor because she would like to look after people and wants to help patients in her commune. She said, she could receive a salary to support her family and herself. She would also like to save money to start a small business at home.
Date posted: November 1, 2018