Reuon Vicheka

Reuon Vicheka is 14 years old and is in the eighth grade. She lives in Doung Village, Chuom Songke, Phnom Srouch District, Kompong Spue province.
She is the eldest in her family and has two siblings: one brother and one sister.
Her father’s name is Long Dara. He is 38 years old and is a farmer. When he is not working at the rice farm, he goes to pick up the mangoes for those who need them and earn more money for his family.
Her mother’s name is Plem Savy. She is 31 years old and works at the factory.
They have their own farmland, which is about two-hectare, used to grow rice. With this land, they can produce about 1800kg to 2000kg of rice per year. Sometimes, the mother’s salary goes towards the landowner because the family borrows money from them for their family’s needs.
Every day, Vicheka has to help her mother clean the house, and then she goes to school. After she gets back from school, she has to cook for her family.
In her free time, she loves to read books and studies by herself. She likes the color white and she loves to play with her dog.
In the future, she wants to become a teacher because she wants to teach the students in her village to have a good job and help her family to live a better life.
Updated: Jan. 2020