To Be Selected
Rin Khunda is a 14 years old student who attends in 8th grade at The Rita Hochhauser School, which is located in Trakiet village, Champei commune, Bati district and Takeo province.
Rin Khunda was born in 2004 at Trakiet village, Champei commune, Bati district and Takeo province. Khunda has gotten three siblings such as one brother and two sisters including her. Khunda is the youngest child in the family.
Khunda commented that, “ her parents are farmers who own one hectare of farmland for planting rice. They can earn between 250 to 300 US dollars from the rice harvesting every year. However, the amount of that income is insufficient to support her family’s needs so her mother has to grow a few types of crops for selling in order to get little money to afford the family’s needs. And her father has an old motorcycle and he tries to be as a Motor-taxi driver in order to get bit money to resolve the family’s needs as well.”
Khunda expressed that, in the future’s goal she wants to become an English teacher because she likes the work of teaching English to people or the kids in next generation as well as she wants to get more income from the English course teaching. Therefore, her family will probably encounter the better standard of living in the future.
Date posted: June 2018