Girls Be Ambitious

A program that enables girls who are unable to go to school due conditions of poverty to attend one of our rural schools and receive an education instead of having to work in the fields, do chores at home or take care of siblings.

To Be Selected

Rin Sreymom is 13 years old and she’s in grade 6 at Masako Sato School in Putreng village Dak Dam commune, Orang district, Mondulkiri province.

There are seven members in her family, parents, three sisters and two brothers. She is the second child in the family. Srey mom and her sister Sreymao are goes to school every day. Her home is at the farm, it’s taking 30 minutes from her home to the village or school and if it is raining, they will be hard to go to school. Her parents are farmers who own own farmland is about a hectare for growing rice. They can produce rice is about 800kg to 900kg in per year and they are not selling because they keep for daily eating in a whole year. After finish from farm work, her parents do seasonal work such as planting or harvest cassava, rubber, rice, Coffee and do picking cashew nuts as well and get 20000 riels per day but they can work only three to four days in a week. So Sreymom has to help her parents to do housework and look after her sisters while her parents are busy work outside whole day. And sometimes Sreymom does seasonal work with her parents as well.

In the future she wants to become a doctor because doctor has ability to treat people directly and she think that she can save their life. So Sreymom wants to a doctor to help the people in her village and she also wants to earn money to help her family to live in a better life.

Updated: January, 2019