Rocham Eam

Rocham Eam is 17 years old; she is studying in grade 8 at Sophie A. Krasowski School located in Plor village, Bor Kham commune, Oyadav district, Ratanakiri province.
Eam is from an ethic minority family with other four siblings, she is the oldest child in the family. Their parents are very poor famers they have a plot of about 1 hectare farmland where they can plant a part of some cashew tree and a part of the cassava.
Every year her parents gathered about 7 to 10 tons of cassava and little bit of cashew nut. The income from this farm is not enough to support a whole family throughout the year. On the most days of month, they have only salt mix with chilly and sprinkle on rice at each meal.
Eam had to staying home in order to help her family and she carried out chores around the house and looked after her younger sibling.
She wishes to be an English and Computer teacher because she prefers to teach these subjects, research about the electronics and especially she wants to develop English literacy to her next generation.
Date posted: March, 2018