Girls Be Ambitious

A program that enables girls who are unable to go to school due conditions of poverty to attend one of our rural schools and receive an education instead of having to work in the fields, do chores at home or take care of siblings.

Roeurn Khin

Roeurn Khin is 11 years old and she is in grade 5. She is a minority tribe and she studies at The Mr. and Mrs. Sak Nhep School and she lives in Chorng Ra Village Batang Commune, Lumphat District Ratanakiri Province.

Khin is the second child in her family and she has got one elder sister and one little brother. Her dad is farmer and he has got one home with the land width = 15m and length = 30m and he owns his farmland is about one hectare on his farmland he plants cassava, corn and rice. Her dad can harvest about 500kg of cassava and 600 kg of rice per year and cassava he can sell and earn is about $100 of money and other plants like corn or rice he only keeps for eating. His farmland depends on natural raining only. He sometimes goes to find for an extra job in local area and he earns about $3.50 US Dollar per day. And her mum is a housewife. She does her housework and she looks after her little son. Khin is a very hard girl and a good student at school. She studies hard on all subjects and she always goes to school by bike and her home is about three kilometers from school. After school she helps her mum in cooking and she sometimes finds for a work near her home like picking up fruits of cashew apple during summer from January to April to support her family as well.

In the future, she wants to be an English teacher and she can share her knowledge about English to the kids in her village and she thinks that learning is very important to reduce poverty and develop local human resources.

Additionally, she wants to help her little brother and her parents to live in a comfortable life.

Date Posted: January 2020