Romam Aun

Romam Aun is 16 years old; she is studying in grade 7 at Sophie A. Krasowski School located in Plor village, Bor Kham commune, Oyadav district, Ratanakiri province.
Aun is from ethic family with other five siblings. She is the third child in the family. Their parents are famers and they have a plot of 2 hectares farmland where they can cultivate the cassava and they can harvest up to 20 tons per year. The income generated from their farm will primarily pay off the loan of Microfinance, others debts like meals, dress and fertilizes and the rest will cover the need in family daily life but still not enough to support in the whole year. Therefore, they have to pursuit to find income from veggies growing and feeding animal chickens, pigs and cows to support the family as well.
She wishes to be an embellishment. Because she thinks this job is necessary in her communities and could help her and family to earn money too.
Date posted: March, 2018