To Be Selected
Romam Mey is 12 years old. She is in grade 6th at SophieA.KRASOWSKI SCHOOL witch located in Plor village, Borkham commune, Oyadav district, Ratanakiri province.
Mey is an ethic minority people she has 4 siblings. She is the third child among 7 members in the family. Their parents are very poor famers they have a plot of the farmland is about 1 hectare where could plant a part of some cashew tree and a part of the cassava at the early year. She said that, every year her parents gathering about 7 to 10 tons of cassava and little bit of cashew tree. The income from this farm is not enough too work out for a whole family throughout the year. On the most days, their meals is just sprinkle with salt and peppers. Mey had to staying home in order to help her family, and she carried out chores around the house and looked after her younger sibling.
In her future goal, she wishes to be a teacher of mathematics because she prefers to teach these subjects to the kids of a next generation.
Date posted: November 2018