Romam Plan

Romam Plan is 14 years. She is in grade 5 at Sophie A .KRASOWSKI SCHOOL witch located in Plor village, Borkham commune, Oyadav district, Ratanakiri province.
Plan is an ethic minority people she has 10 siblings. She is the seventh child in her family. She was born in a poor family. Their parents are both poor famers and they have a small plot of farmland witch could cultivate cassava every year. To further supplement the meager income, her parents had a pursuit work as a day labor which earing $3 per day. Even they have income but they cannot support their whole family to be enough because every day they are pay for rice, daily foods, cloths, medicine, fee school and other expenses. Sometime, Romam plan doesn’t have money goes to school. She has to help her parents after comeback from school such as look after her young sibling sister and to do house work.
For her future goal, she wants to be come a teacher in the primary school because she enjoyed this career and then she could help to support her family to live in a better life and also minority people.
Romam Plan is 14 years. She is in grade 5 at Sophie A. KRASOWSKI SCHOOL witch located in Plor village, Borkham commune, Oyadav district, Ratanakiri province.
Date posted: May 2019