Romam Srek

Romam Srek is 15 years old, a student in grade 6 at Sophie A.Krasowski School, located in Plor village, Bor-Kham commune, Oyadav district, Ratanakiri province.
Srek has 7 siblings and she is the fifth child in an Ethnic minority family. Her two elder brothers are married and separate to live with their own family. Her parents are both farmers they have no plot of farmland.
They went to work as seasonal workers in order to earn about $5 dollars per day to support the whole family.
She told that sometimes she hasn’t food to eat with rice out of sprinkled salt and pepper. In her free time, she went to help her parent’s working to make extra money to help her family survive and for her school material.
In the future, she wishes to be a nurse because she could help her parents, relatives and the entire minority people in the location.
Date posted: May 2019