Romam Yess

Romam Yess is 16 years old; She is in grade 9 at Sophie A. Krasowski School witch located in Plor village, Borkham commune, Oyadav district, Ratanakiri province.
Yess is a youngest child of an ethic minority family with other six siblings. Her parents are famers they have 2 hectares farmland and a small of the rice field that they could cultivated cassava and rice every year. The yields of 20 tons of cassava will sell for money to pay off to the Microfinance and the other debts like food, gasoline and other materials and about 15 sacks of rice from the field will keep for food supply in family. Out of the above income they also pursuit their extra income from veggies growing, raising animals to support the family as well.
She wishes to be a tailor because she likes this career and she could design all style of the dress for herself and villagers in her communities.
Date posted: March, 2018