Romas Chet

Romas Chet is 13 years. She is in grade 6th at Sophie A.KRASOWSKI school witch located in Plor village, Borkham commune, Oyadav district, Ratanakiri province.
Chet is an ethic minority people she has 2 siblings. She is the fist child in the family. her parents are very poor famers they have a plot of the farmland is about 1 hectares where could cultivate cassava every year. She said that, every year her parents gathering about 15 tons of cassava per year. After gathering the cassava her parents take the majority of income to compensate the Microfinance and some money pay for other debt like food, gasoline and other materials. She confirmed that, anyway these earning couldn’t provide a whole family as well. So her parents had a hard pursuit of income from veggies growing and other raising animals chickens, pig and cow to support the family as well.
In her future goal, she wishes to be a nurse because she enjoyed this career and than she could help her parents, relative and all minority people in the location.
Date posted: November 2018