Romas Pyorn

Romas Pyorn is 17 years old; She is studying in grade 7 at Sophie A. Krasowski School located in Plor village, Bor Kham commune, Oyadav district, Ratanakiri province.
Pyorn is oldest child in an ethic minority family with other three siblings. Their parents are poor famers they have a small plot of farmland that could cultivate cassava every year. To fulfil the meagre income, her parents had a pursuit work as a day-by-day labor that they can earn $3.5 per day.
She sometimes has to help them after school to get a day-by-day work with her parents or sometimes she stays at home to take care her youngest sister.
She wants to be a doctor because she understand that this career can help people, especially in her minority communities.
Date posted: March, 201