Ron Sonita

Sonita is 10 years old student in 4th grade at Grace, Hope, Beloved School, which is located in Boeng Veng Village, Tangkrasang commune, Batheay district and Kampong Cham province.
Sonita was born in a poverty-stricken family with four members including her parents, her baby brother and her. Her parents are farmers but they haven’t owned a farmland to grow rice so her mother makes pancakes to sell due to get little money to afford for their family’s food.
Depend on making pancakes for selling in the village her mother earned about $3 per day which wasn’t affordable for Sonita’s school uniform, notebooks, pencil and pen etc. In order to fulfill the family’s demand, her father has always gone to the field to catch fishes in a lake which is far from her house about 2 kilometers. The fishes and snails that her father caught was sold to the neighbors in the village and got $2.5 of revenue but it wasn’t the regular revenue in a day. Whereby, she sometimes was absent from school for a few days in order to join with her mother to make pancakes for selling.
For Sonita’s future goal, she wants to be a teacher at her primary school because she wished to be a good teacher to provide higher education to the kid of next generation in her village.
Date posted: June 2018