To Be Selected
Roth Sareth is 13 years old, a student in 6th grade at The Shintoshin Rotary and Speros (Hawaii) School, which is located in Pal Hal village, Rik Reay commune, Rovieng district, and Preah Vihear province.
There are 8 members in her family, grandmother, parents, one older brother, one younger brother and two younger sisters. She is the second child in the family .Her parents are farmers who own two hectares of farmland to grow rice, they can produce 2,000 kg of rice per year and that can only covers their daily food during a year. Her elder brother stopped studying in sixth grade to help his parents with farm work. Her parents said that when they are working at the farm, they stay there and their children live with their old grandmother. When they finish their farming, the neighbors hire them to harvest cassava and cashew nuts at their farms and can get 10$ per day in order to buy daily food and to buy something for their children. Sareth’s grandmother makes Khmer cake to sell at market but she can receive a small to contribute to covering the family expenses.
Sareth is a good student and daughter; she works very hard at school and continues her hard work when she gets home by helping her mother with housework, take care her younger sisters. During the holiday Sareth always goes to work at her farm and sometimes the neighbors hired her to transplant rice, harvest rice, harvest cassava, cashew nuts with 15,000 riels per day. Sometime in dry season she picks tamarind fruit to sale and uses this money to buy her studying material.
Roth Sareth wants to be a teacher because she loves this job and wants to share her knowledge to kids in the village to develop human resources and can earn a decent salary to support her family. Moreover, when she has money, she will make a small business at her home.
Date Posted: 26 / February / 2019