Girls Be Ambitious

A program that enables girls who are unable to go to school due conditions of poverty to attend one of our rural schools and receive an education instead of having to work in the fields, do chores at home or take care of siblings.

To Be Selected

Ruos Sarorn is 14 years old and she was born in Choum Svay village, Meanrith commune, Sandann district and Kampong Thom province. She is in the 7th grade at The Naohiro Nishiya School, which is located in Opork Samky village, Meanreth commune, Sandann district, Kampong Thom province.

There are 3 members in her family. Sarorn has one older sister. Her father’s name is Mr. Mao Kun and her mother’s name is Mrs. Sao Rim, Her father was died when she was 9 year old and her mother is a farmer.  Sarorn’s family has a small own farmland and they are growing rice. On average, they can make up to $250 a year from rice producing.  The amount of money from the rice producing was inadequate to support her family for a year.  As a result, her parents have to travel to find resin for sell.  The resin costs 5,000 riels ($1.25) for one kg.  Even with the additional income from selling resin, the family is still not financially able to support the children and the family, which leads to Sarorn commonly missing school as she needs to stay home and help in the rice field.

In the future Sarorn wants to be a teacher in her village. She wants to improve the quality of education and share her knowledge to other children in her community to know about Khmer history and find the money to build a house for her family to live in a better life.

Updated: April, 2018