Ry Sok Rann

Ry Sok Rann is 15 years old and she is a student in the 9th grade at The Kozak Ohana School #285 in Mohor Village, Chey Commune, Kampong Svay District, Kampong Thom Province.
Sok Rann has no siblings and lives with her grandmother, aunt and uncle. Her parents left her when she was a baby and never came back. Her family does not own any farmland so they have to pick rice from abandoned rice fields. Her family is able to get approximately 50kg of rice from this, which is not enough to support their family. To help support the family, her uncle works in construction and her aunt is a service farmer in the village. Both her aunt and uncle earn 10000 riels to 20000 riels ($2, 5 – $5) a day, leaving the family to live in poverty. Sok Rann wants to be a teacher in the future.
Date posted: March, 2018