To Be Selected
Saing So Neng is a 12 years old student in 7th grade that entered in the GBA program in 2017. At the time, she enrolled in the sixth grade at The David and Deborah Roberts School, located in Ta Ream village, Tbeng commune, Kampong Svay district, and Kampong Thom province.
So Neng has five members in her family, her parents, two brothers and her. She is the second child in the family. Her parents are farmers and they have owned half hectare of farmland for growing rice. They have grown rice yearly but the rice could yield about 500 kg from the harvest and that 500 kg of rice was inadequately support to their family well. So Neng clarified that, besides growing the rice her mother sells some vegetables and vermicelli.
So Neng has narrated about vegetables selling, she said her mother spent for 50,000 riels ($12.50) to buy the vegetables from a wholesaler and then she sold out to the neighbors and got some little earn. Therefore, she has decided to sell the vermicelli. She has carried the vermicelli for 10 kg to sell in the villages and she can earn $1.2 per day last year, but now she could earn 10,000 to 15,000 riels ($ 2.50 to $3.75) a day. Anyhow, all incomes from selling vegetables and vermicelli were insufficient to patch up the needs of their family well.
Whereas, besides studying time she is always help her mother to sell the vegetables and vermicelli and cleaning the house. Note: So Neng has no father but she has step father.
Updated: May, 2018