To Be Selected
Sambath Mary is a 9 years old girl in 4th grade at Vasaskolan School in Angbaksey village, Cheang Torng commune, Tramkak district Takeo province.
Mary has one sister and she is the first child in the family.They are both farmers. They have about a half of a hectare of farmland, on which to produce 800 kg of rice per year. After the harvest season, her father works as a day labor in village. He can earn about $50 per month. The income is still not enough to support the family because they need to buy food, school outfits, clothes and other daily items.
Because of the difficult situation of her family Mary must help with harvesting rice for the neighbor in order to earn about $5 per day. Other times she helps her mother to do house work when her mother is away.
Date Post: December 2017