San Rady

San Rady is a 12-year-old student in 5th grade at Grace, Hope, Beloved school, which is located in Broeng Veng village, Tangkrasang commune, Batheay district and Kampong Cham province.
Rady has only two siblings, her younger sister and her. Her parents do not own any farmland to grow rice besides they have only a small plot of land to build a wooden cottage with the covering of palm leaves in her village. Rady commented that presently, her parents are hired a farmland of half hectare to transplant the rice and they gather the rice output about 1,000kg at once in a year. For the amount of this yield, her parents managed 500kg to sell in order to get the incomes to disburse to the farmland’s owner and little remaining money is paid for the family’s food.
Rady added that, although the incomes which her parents earned from selling rice weren’t able to spend for any of her uniform and her school supplies, though. Therefore, to facilitate to the lack of the family so her parents have expanded another work to plant a few types of crops such as spinach, salad, water green and they have raised a few hens for selling, too.
According to Rady’s schooling, she raised that she is not a smart student in her class but she is never absent from school. Although her family meets a consequence to solve but she always tries to come to school by her old bike every day except the holidays. For San Rady’s future goal, she firstly dreams to become a nurse and if she has good chance then she ought to be doctor because of her ambition.
Date posted: June 2018