To Be Selected
Sang Ratanak is 12 years old, grade 6 at Peam Khvav Primary School, located in Peam Khrav village, Dom Bokrong commune, Phom Srouch district and Kampong Speu province.
Sang Ratanak has two brothers. She is the first child in her family. Her father’s name is Sang Samoroeur, 36 years old, and she is a mango gatherer. He can earn 30,000 riels a day in season. Her mother’s name is Soem Khy, 29 years old and she is a farmer. Her family has 10,000 m2 of farmland for growing rice. Her family can produce of rice is about 2,000 kg per year and they had sold for 1000kg, get $250 for support their food and keep for 1,000kg for daily eating in a whole year. Their income is cannot cover for family expense in the whole year because it is a low profit and their children are studying at school and sometime they don’t have enough money to but their children school supplies. Nowadays they live in a poor family with a bad situation.
Sang Ratanak is very good at on math subject and she always get high school in class and when her friend doesn’t understand, she try to explain them and after school she always help her mother to do house work.
In future, Sang Ratanak wants to be a nurse. She wants to help woman and girls in the rural areas and keeps people in good health. Moreover, she wants to earn money to support her family to live in a better life.
Updated: May, 2018