To Be Selected
Sang Sreyneath is 14 years old, grade 6 at Peam Khvav Primary School, located in Peam Khrav village, Dom Bokrong commune, Phom Srouch district and Kampong Speu province.
Sang Sreyneath has two brothers and one sister. She is the Second child in her family. Her father’s name: Sang Orol, 38 years old, he is a house builder, in a working day he can earn 30,000 riels. Her mother’s name: Chhang Sarn, 34 years old, she is a factory worker, her salary is $170 a month and they have a 10,000 m2 of farmland that they can take crop yield of rice about 2,500 kg per year and they had sold for 1,500kg, get $375 for solve the problem in the family and also support their food. They keep for 1,000kg of rice for daily eating in the whole year. The income in this family is so low and they cannot cover their expense in a whole year and sometime they don’t have enough money to buy school supplies for their children.
Sreyneath always go to school by bicycle and the distant from her house to her school is 4 kilometers. Even the school far from her house but she always goes to school everyday. After school she help her parents to do the farm.
In future, Sreyneath wants to be a doctor because she wants to help the people and want to take care of her family and help the peoples in her village.
Updated: May, 2018