Sarina Sovannary

Sarin Sovannary is 10 years old in Grade 4 at The Lotus School in Prek Dambouk Village, Kampong Chamlorng Commune, Khsach Kandal District, Kandal Province.
She is a single child in a very poor family. Her parents do not have any farming land, they work at garment factory to make their living but their income is not enough to cover the family’s needs. Because her parents busy earn the money to make ends meet, they do not have time for Sovannary so she has to take care herself and do everything on her own to school or at home when her parent away at work.
Sovannary likes studying very much and tries to study hard and wishes to be a teacher even she in such a difficult conditions. She is happy with the support from the GBA program for her schooling and regular attendance.
Date Posted: December 2017