Sarith Sreyneang

Sarith Sreyneang is a 10 years old student in 4th grade at The Ascham School, which is located in Putang village, Romnear commune, Senmonorom district, and Mondulkiri province.
She is the second child in the family. Her parents have halt hectare of farmland for growing rice and some cassavas, and her family just have some chicken.
Her parents have gathered 300 kilograms of rice per year and some cassavas product but could not afford the family for a whole year. Moreover, her parents got low income from selling things such as vegetables, cassavas, and rice to support the family needs like food, clothes, uniforms, and school supplies, etc… Sreyneang promised that if she will be supported for $10 every month she will try to study hard and she would use that money to patch up her study.
Sarith Sreyneang wants to be a teacher because she wants to share knowledge and education with the students in her community as well as be able to help financially support her family.
Date Posted: November 1st, 2020