Girls Be Ambitious

A program that enables girls who are unable to go to school due conditions of poverty to attend one of our rural schools and receive an education instead of having to work in the fields, do chores at home or take care of siblings.

To Be Selected

Savath Ton is 15 years old and has four siblings; three brothers and one sister. She studies in grade 10th at the Ascham Community School # 281 in O Reang secondary School in Pou Rang village, Senmonorom commune, OReang district, Mondulkiri province.

Savath lives with her mother, as her father passed away when she was young. Savath is responsible for helping her mother with housework and work on the farm when she’s not busy with school. His family is of the Buo Nong minority, and live in a small wooden house, as the family is very poor. Her family owns two hectares of farmland that can produce 259 kg of rice per year. Additionally to working in their rice fields, the family collects resin, fruit, vegetables and fish to sell in the local store. They earn about $25 per month. The family lives one kilometer away from the school, so she is able to walk to and from school every day. Savath is a good student and she studies very hard every day, as a result, she always gets good marks. Savath receives $20 per month to support her studies every month.

He loves to play football, and when she is older she dreams of being a professional football player.

Date posted: November 2018