To Be Selected
Seang Sreytei is 13 years old, grade 5 at Peam Khvav Primary School. It has located in Peam Khrav village, Dom Bokrong commune, Phom Srouch district and Kampong Speu province.
Seang Sreytei has three brothers. She is the third child in her family. Her father’s name is Seang Saroeun, 43 years old, and he is a mango gatherer. He earns 30,000 riels a day in season. Her mother’s name is Leas Touch, 38 years old and she is a mango gatherer. She earns 30,000 riels in season and they have a farmland about 1 hectare for growing rice. Her family takes crop yield of rice about 1,900 kg per year and they are not selling because they keep for daily eating in the whole year. The family can earn money during only mangoes season only.
Seang Sreytei is a good student and she always explains the lesion to her friends. After school she helps her mother to do house work and look after her sibling.
In future, Seang Sreytei wants to be a teacher. She wants to give children to come to school more and more. She will teach the children to know more and easy to find job to help their family and themselves.
Updated: May, 2018