Sek Phally

Phally is 14 years old and she is a student in grade 8 at The Green Family School in Takeo province, Kirivung district, Angbrasat commune, Angbrasat village.
There are five members in her family. She has got two parents, one brother and two sisters include her. Phally is second child in her family. Her brother is studying at the same her school and her youngest sister is studying in grade 3 near her school too. Her family is poor, they are farmers and they have one hectare of farmland which was produced about 3,000-4,000 kg of rice per year and they keep for 1500kg for daily eating in a whole year and sold for 625$ for support their whole family living. However this is only the ideal output because they need to barter for fertilizer and other expenditures during the farming process. Her parents have not enough money to support school supplies. She always rides an old bicycle to school and comes back. Therefore, Phally needs to help her mother with housework and takes care her youngest brother every day after school.
Phally wants to be an accountant because she love the math subject and she also want to work in the bank. Moreover, she would loves to earn money to support her family in the future when she is going to succeed in her dream.
Updated: June 2018