Girls Be Ambitious

A program that enables girls who are unable to go to school due conditions of poverty to attend one of our rural schools and receive an education instead of having to work in the fields, do chores at home or take care of siblings.

To Be Selected

Sen Dara is a 17 years old student in 8th grade at The IROHA School #470, which is located in O Svay village, O Svay commune, Thalaborivath district, and Stung Treng province.

Dara was born in a poor family and she has gotten six siblings including her. She is the fifth born in the family. They have owned half hectare of farmland for growing rice and they have benefited from 500kgs to 600kgs of the rice production in a year.

Dara clarified that every year her parents haven’t sold the rice out because of the rice’s fruition that her parents had received from the harvest was very small contain so that her parents had just kept it  for their daily consumptions and another small part of rice’s seeds just had been reserving for next rice’s transplantation for next year.

Howsoever Dara continued that that rice’s fruition hasn’t afforded for her school supplies and school uniforms. Therefore, she sometimes was absent from school for a few days in order to work with her parents as a cashew seeds’ collector for neighbors’ farms due to get little income to pay for her schooling.

For her future goal, she wishes to become a specialized teacher of mathematic and Khmer literature because she prefers to teach this subject to the kids of a next generation.

Updated: April, 2018