To Be Selected
Raksmey is 15 years old and she is a student in Grade 7 at the Romdos Sre’s School in Romdos Sre commune, Choam Ksan district, Preah Vihear province.
Raksmey has four brothers and three sisters and she is the eldest child in the family. Raksmey’s father was passed away and her mother’s name is Yat. Her mother is a farmer. Her family has owns farmland is a hectare in which they can grow 1000kg of rice per year and sold for 500kg of rice, get 125$ for support their family needed and they keep for 500kg to daily eating. Even they get the income from rice but it still not enough to support the entire family. Her mother goes to works as a construction worker, earning $5 in a day. The income is used to support the family as well as paying off debt that was built up during growing rice. As Raksmey is the eldest child in the family, she is responsible to look after her younger siblings and with various chores around the house.
In the future she wants to be a tailor because she love this skill and this job can make a high profits, Moreover she wants to help her family to live in a good life.
Date posted: April 2018