To Be Selected
Seng Rathanak is 16 years old and is in the ninth grade. She lives in Kbal Teuk Leur village, Choum Songke commune, Kompong Speu province. She is the eldest child of the family and has two sisters.
Her father’s name is Seng Tha, 45 years old, and has divorced from her mother. Unfortunately, he has never helped support the family.
Her mother’s name is Kem Kon. She is 41 years old and is single. Her mother is primarily a farmer, but when she is not working at the farm, she is cutting mangoes for the mango factory. With these jobs, her mother can earn about $250 per month however; she also has to spend some of that to pay back the money she borrowed for the family’s needs.
The family has farmland that is about a hectare. With this land, they can produce about 1,000kg to 1,400kg of rice, per year.
Every day, Rathanak helps her mom cook, does housework, looks after the baby, and goes to school.
In her free time, she likes to watch movies. Her favorite color is red and her favorite animal is rabbits.
In the future, she wants to become a soldier because she wants to protect the land of Cambodia and keep the country safe.
Updated: Jan. 2020