To Be Selected
Seth Sreypov is 15 years old, and is in grade 7 at The Savant School School in Taney village, Choam Sangkea commune, Phnom Sruoch district, Kompong Speu province
Sreypov has five brothers and four sisters. She is a youngest child in the family. Sreypov’s parents are getting old and sick now, spending most of their days at home. However, somedays when her parents are feeling well, they are able to help their child in the rice fields. Sreypov’s brothers work at the border of Thailand, and her two sisters work in Phnom Penh as factory workers, all of which send money home every month to support the family.
The family owns one hectare of land, used to grow rice and vegetables, and 2 cows and 2 pigs. The family can produce 1 ton of rice every year, that can feed the family. However, as Sreypov’s parents are elderly and ill, Sreypov and her other younger siblings are responsible to care for the farm land, and animals.
In the future Sreypov wants to be a nurse because she wants to look after her family and the elderly people of her commune. Additionally, she wants to help financially support her family and provide them with a better life.
Post Date: February, 2018