To Be Selected
Seurn Maneth is 14 years old, and is in grade 8 at The Savant School in Taney village, Choam Sangkea commune, Phnom Sruoch district, Kompong Speu province.
There are five members in her family, two parents and three daughters. She is the second child in her family. Her family is poor and owns half a hectare of farmland, which can produce 1000 kg of rice per year. Her mother and father work as rice farmers on their own land, as well as mango pickers, earning 30,000 Riels a day. As the family is very poor, there is not enough money to support Maneth’s studies. Maneth commonly has to walk to school because her mother or father use the bicycle to go to work. Furthermore, after a long day at school and walking there and back, Maneth needs to help her mother with house work and various chores.
Maneth wants to be a doctor when she grows up. She wants to help all the people in her village, and she thinks that the hospital right now is too far. Moreover, she wants to earn money to support her family.
Date posted: February, 2018