Sev Sokhy

Sev Sokhy is 14 years old and she is in grade 6 at #257 SophieA.KRASOWSKI School witch located in Plor village, Borkham commune, Oyadav district, Ratanakiri province.
Sokhy is an ethic minority people she has 3 siblings. She is the second child in the family and she was born in a poor family. Her parents are famers. They have a plot of the farmland is about 1.5 hectares witch could cultivate cassava every year. She said that her parents gathering about 10 tons of cassava per year and get 650$ for support her whole family. After gathering the cassava her parents sell it and take the majority of income to compensate the Microfinance and some money pay for other debt like food, gasoline and other material. Even they get the income but it still cannot support her family. They are so poor and sometime they don’t have money to buy food for daily eating. So, her parents are trying to growing the vegetables and raising some animals such as pigs, chicken, and one cow to earn more money to support his family.
Sokhy is a good student in class and she always to explain her classmates during break time about the math. After school, she helps her mother to do house work and look after her sister and brother.
For her future purpose, she wishes to be a teacher because she really like this job and she could teach all the children in village to get a knowledge and have a good job to support them self and she would like to support her family to live in a better life.
Date posted: April 2019