To Be Selected
Siem Rachana is 13 years old, a student in 7th grade at The Yoon Soon Jung School located in Toulsdey village, Toulsdey commune, Chantrea district, Svay Rieng province.
Rachana has five siblings, two elder sisters and two elder brothers. She is the fifth child in family. Her mother is 55 years old and her father is 63 years old. Her parents have owned 500 square meters of farmland where they can produce rice to eat in family. Out of working in the rice field, her family raises some chickens and ducks to support the daily food. Her mother has to go around the rice field in the village to collect the animals’ dungs for sale. The incomes that her parents can earn are not even enough to support the family needs. It is very slightly hope for them to support their children to study at higher education. Rachana is a good student; she has never absented from class and studies hard.
In the future, she wishes to have a good job that is able to help supporting her family.
Updated: May 2018