Sim Sokreourn

Sim Sokreourn is 11 years old, grade 5 at Peam Khvav Primary School, located in Peam Khrav village, Dom Bokrong commune, Phom Srouch district and Kampong Speu province.
Sim Sokreourn has one brother and one sister. She is the Second child in her family.
Her brother is studying in 7th grade at near her school and her younger sister study in grade 2 at the seam her school. Her father’s name is Sim Soeurn, 40 years old and he is a farmer. Her mother’s name is Horng Sophorl, 42 years old and she is a factory worker, her salary is $150 in a month for support of school supplies of her children and everyday food. They have their own farmland for 5,000 m2 for growing rice and they can produce rice about 1,000 kg in per year. They keep all the rice for daily eating in the whole year.
They live in a poor family but their parent try to find the money to send them go to school and their children are clever and they always get the letter of appreciation from school and their children always take care the sibling to each other.
After school, Sokreourn always help her mother to do house work and when she have free time, she likes to read the book and do the exercise from school.
In future, Sim Sokreourn wants to be a nurse. She wants to help woman and girls in the rural areas and keeps people in good health. Moreover, she wants to earn money to support her family to live in a better life.
Updated: May, 2018