To Be Selected
Sin Vuochleang, she has 11 years old. She born on 16th June 2007, and she lives in Thnong Village, Moung Riev Commune, Tbong Khmum District, Tbong Khmum Province.
She is in grade 7 at The Green Family School II #419, Located in Cheung Khal Village, Moung Riev Commune, Tbong Khmum District, Tbong Khmum Province. Vuochleang, has two siblings, two sisters. She’s the first child in the family, her father’s name’s Mr. Su Seyla, he’s 52 years old, and her mother name’s Ms. Seum Dalin, and she’s 48 years old. Both are farmers, who own 0.5 hectares of farmland for transplanting rice and their farmland depends on natural raining only. Her parents can gather five packs of rice’s production and the quantity of one sack of rice is about 180kg. After gathering rice is completely finished, her father hasn’t still stayed at home, but he went to work as seasonal workers in order to get (16000-20000) riels per day to support his family.
Vuochleang, In the future, her dream wants to be a doctor, because she wants to assist people in her community and she would like to earn money to support her family in the future.
Date posted: January 2020