To Be Selected
Sman Samorn is 15-years-old, grade 10 at The Kimino Yume Mezaseba Kanau School in Romduol village,Varin commune, Varin District, Siem Reap province.
Samorn has three member in her family, two sisters, one brother, and she is the second child in family. Her parents are farmers who own about three hectares of farmland and they can earn about $35 per month from farming. As a daughter, Samorn has to help her mother to do housework because her mother is busy to work in the field. During harvest season, she is very busy to help her mother to prepare food for seasonal workers. However, she do a lot of work in her house, but she never missed class at school.
In the future, she want to be nurse because she want to help other people.
Updated: May, 2018