To Be Selected
Sok Chan Rachhana is 15 years old, a student in 8th grade at The Yoon Soon Jung School, which is located in Toul Sdey village, Toul Sdey commune, Chantrea district and Svay Reang province.
Rachhana has three siblings, one elder brother, one younger sister and her. She is the second child in the family. Her parents are farmers, they have three buffalos and two pigs and have one hectare of farmland where they growing rice to eat during the year. Beside the work in the rice field, her parents also feed some animals like chickens, ducks and some fishes in the small pond near her house. From month to month, they caught those animals and fishes to sell to get the money to support the daily need in the family. The incomes that they can earn during a month are not regular because sometime the climate changed make the animal they feed got sick and die a lot and they need to fill the amount of animals by using the profit that they can save from the early months to buy them. Her family is very difficult to survive in their daily life, they cannot plan and guarantee for their children studying to get the better or higher education.
In the future, she wants to be a doctor and she will try her best to achieve her dream even now she knew that it is very difficult and slightly hope for her to walk to her goal.
Updated: May 2018