To Be Selected
Mesa is a 14 years old student in Grade 8 at the Romdos Sre’s School in Romdos Sre commune, Choam Ksan district, Preah Vihear province.
There are three members in her family. She has one brother and two sisters including her. She is the second child in the family. Her father died for two years a go because he got a sick and her mother’s name is Seut and she is a farmer.
They had a small farmland that can produce rice about 700 kg per year and they are sold for 300kg of rice and get 75$ to keep for buy every food and they keep for 400kg of rice for daily eating in a whole year. Even they got income from sold rice but it does not enough to feed three people in the family. So after harvesting rice, her mother goes to work as a construction worker and get about $5 per day. Her mother also loaned money of amount 100$ for growing rice from the bank and pay back to the bank every month. For earn more income her family raise 2 cows for get more profit to support of their living.
After school, she helped her mother to do housework and take care her cows and when she has free time she like to read the book.
In the future, she wants to be a businesswoman because she wants to make a high profit and have money to support her family.
Date posted: April 2018