To Be Selected
Sorn Mon They is 16 years old, a student in 9th grade at The Yoon Soon Jung School, located in Toul Sdey village, Toul Sdey commune, Chantrea district and Svay Rieng province.
Sorn Mon They has six siblings, two elder sisters, three elder brothers and her. She is the sixth child in family. Her family feeds three buffalos and two pigs and has own one hectare of farmland where they can produce the rice products to eat during the year. In the dry season or after harvesting the rice products, her parents have to go around the rice field from village to villages to collect the buffalo dung to sell to Vietnamese farmers that they can get a little better price than selling in their local village. They can make profit from 10,000 to 20,000 riels per trip. All the incomes that they can save have to support the daily food in family and a part to support their children school and their school supplies.
In the future, she wants to be a nurse because she wants to look after her family and the people of her commune. Additional, she wants to help in financial support to her family and provide them with a better life.
Updated: May 2018