To Be Selected
Son Chitra is 12 years old, a student in 6th grade at The Shintoshin Rotary and Speros (Hawaii) School, which is located in Pal Hal village, Rik Reay commune, Rovieng district, and Preah Vihear province.
There are 5 members in her family, parents, one younger sister and one younger brother. She is the first child in the family. Her parents are farmers who owned two hectares of farmland where they can produce 1,400 kg of rice per year and products are enough to cover the family’s food during a year. To find the extra support for the family, her father decided to find other job so that he can make some more money such as making charcoal and selling to the villagers. Her father sells charcoals twice a month and he can earn by 120,000 – 200,000 riels per month. Her mother stays at home and take care her little child and cook foods for them. They wish their three children will be educated and get good jobs in the future.
Chitra is a good student; she studies and works hard in school and at home. After school she always helps her mother housework and various chores. On Sunday, she always goes to the farm to help her parents with farm work and sometime she look after her younger sister and brother at home and her mother goes to help her father with the charcoal making.
In the future she wants to be an English teacher because she thinks that English is a key language that can connect with the most people in the world and easier to find a job. She said if she can get salary to support her family and herself, she will also save money to support her siblings’ education too.
Date Posted: 26 / February / 2019.