Song Sarean

Song Sarean is 8 years old, grade 3 at Peam Khvav Primary School, located in Peam Khrav village, Dom Bokrong commune, Phom Srouch district and Kampong Speu province.
Song Sarean has one younger brother. She is the first child in her family. Her father’s name is Orol Sovan, 35 years old. He is a construction worker at Thailand. Her mother’s name is Boeurn Ran and she was passed away since she was leaning in 1st grade. After her mother died, her father has traveled to Thailand and he never comeback. He did not send the money to support her and her brother who are living with grandparent. Her grandparents have a 3,000 m2 of farmland for growing rice. They can get crop yield of rice 400 kg per year and keep for daily eating after finish from rice season her grandparents growing vegetable such as cucumbers, carrot and water lily to selling and get 2.50$ in per day to buy foods. They live in a poor family with hard situation and sometime they don’t have money for going to school. Her grandparents have raising the chickens and 2 cows to earn more income for support their family.
Song Sarean has to work a lot at home such as washing the dish, cook, cleaning the house, and take care her young brother.
In future, she would like to be a doctor. In her community do not have any doctors for helping villager and they need to go to hospital very far away. She is going to help all the people.
Updated: December, 2018