Sophath Sokneang

Sophath Sokneang is an 11 years old student in 4th grade at The Ascham School, located in Putang village, Romnear commune, Senmonorom district, and Mondulkiri province.
She is the second child in the farmer family. Her parents owned a halt hectare of farmland for growing rice and raising six cows.
In each year, her parents have gathered about 400 kilograms of rice production and the have to divide a part of rice to sell for paying to the fertilizers vendor and other debts.
Moreover, the rest income from selling other products that they can grow in the land as vegetables, etc… still enough to afford the needs in the family such as foods, clothes, uniforms, and school supplies, etc. Sokneang hopes that if she can be the support for $10 a month, it can reduce her family expenses especially for her school material, and even helps her to focus on her study harder.
In the future, she wants to be a doctor because she wants to help sick people in her community as well as be able to help financially support her family.
Date Posted: November 1st, 2020