To Be Selected
Sophen Nalin is 9 years old and she is in grade 3 at Masako Sato School in Putreng village, Dakdam commune, Orang district, Mondulkiri province.
Sophen Nalin has three sisters. She is the first child in the family. Nowadays, her parents work at the cassava farm and get annual income is about 500$. Besides working at cassava farm Nalin’s parents are hired to harvest rice, Coffee and pepper which can earns 20000 riels per day and planting as well. However, the income isn’t regular and it isn’t enough to support the family. Nalin helps her mother to do housework when her mother is busy and she looks after her sisters too.
In the future Nalin wants to become a teacher because, she love this job, it is one of the job that give the students of knowledge, education, and lead them to have better future, so that they will be a good human in society. And she also wants to help her family to get better life.
Updated: January, 2019