To Be Selected
Sorn Rathana is 14 years old and is in the eighth grade. She lives in Prey Russey Village, Chuom Songke, Phnom Srouch District, Kompong Spue Province. She is the second child in her family and has five other members; one brother and two sisters, as well as her parents.
Her father’s name is Ching Surn. He is 42 years old and is a farmer.
Her mother’s name is Kav Nara. She, unfortunately, passed away when Sorn Rathana was 5 years old. Now her father has another wife, Pin Leakena. She is 38 years old and helps with Sorn Rathana’s father as her job.
Her parents are both farmers. They have their own farmland that is about one hectare used to grow rice. With this land, her family can produce about 800 kg to 1000kg of rice, per year.
When her parents are not harvesting rice, they burn charcoal to sell. They get about 75 $ per month from this.
Every day, before school, Sorn Rathana has to clean the house and do the dishes. When she comes home from school, she has to cook for her siblings because her parents are often still working.
Her favorite hobby is to research because she likes to know new things. Her favorite color is red and she loves chicken.
In the future, she wants to be a soldier because she wants to protect Cambodia and help her family live a better life.
Updated: Jan. 2020